Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The holiday season has enveloped me like a really big envelope.

I have been so busy with all that is so much not related to the holidays, that I have been neglecting the writings of the Path. So today, I will leave you with two brief items:

First, I wish all of you to enjoy your holiday times. And as a supplement to those times, I give you this...A movie on me.

At any Redbox terminal you can enter the promo code "DVDONME" and it will give you a free one night rental. I don't understand why or how, but sometimes the Pathway drops little nuggets of awesome in your lap.

Second, my young offspring is learning Christmas carols for a daycare Xmas program. I asked her to relay them to me in tune this evening, and I was happy to hear that she could not only carry the tune, but had taken the liberty of making the lyrics her own.

"We wish you Merry Christmas
We wish you Merry Christmas
We wish you Merry Christmas
and a happy New Year...
good tied up your things to you and your kids
We wish you Merry Christmas
and a happy New Year..."

I nearly peed from laughter.

Great is the Path

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