Wednesday, June 10, 2009

K+M+D+Z=awesomery incarnate

The Path requires that those walking therein be forward-in thought and resilient to the barbs and thorns that may lay along the way.  Today I was hit with a double whammy of sorts, that caused my mind to ponder what has allowed me to find the Path of Awesomery, and in turn to share it with others willing to partake.

I am truly a lucky man.  I cannot express how much I feel so today of all other days in recent history.  

For those of you walking the Path, I would encourage you to pause and really appreciate the fortunes in your satchel.

Monday, June 8, 2009

A quote by I.P. Freeley...

"Pee at last, Pee at last, thank God Almighty, we can pee at last!"

After a month of running down a flight of stairs to empty my very unawesomely small bladder, I am proud to announce that the members of my household can use the facilities on the main level.  However, hand washing must be done in the kitchen until another weekend allows the time to install the sink/faucet /drain properly.

Followers...I ask that you send your sentiments of the awesome in my direction so that I can make it through the storm that is this remodel debacle.

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