Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Your Ipod can be a divining rod for awesomery...

I decided to put my 6000 (I'm not bragging) plus song ipod on random as I was driving home from the office today to see what would transpire. Now I cannot speak for the fellow followers of the Path, but I am always amazed at the subtle intuitiveness of my inanimate electronic device. It seems to know what song I want to hear next. That is
of course unless I am running on a treadmill at the gym. Then it only seems to play Debbie Gibson tunes. Electric Youth really gets me amped up!!!!(That will be a topic for a later post)

I went through a seamless Joe Jackson to Simple Minds to Talking Heads to Elvis Costello to Neal Finn to XTC progression, when suddenly I was sideswiped by Ready for the World...

Hilarious in it's inane irony, as I was not in any way "ready" for this tune of my youth. But the first 20ish seconds of this tune had me nearly wetting myself.

"..what is good for the geese, is good for the gander"...?

What does that even mean!!?? And why does he have a weird, almost fraudulent
accent when quoting the confusing adage?

So creepy I was compelled to listen to it again and again until I wanted to plunge knitting needles into my eardrums so that no other ridiculousness could enter ever again.I still have no idea as to why this song is on my Ipod, but I am sure that I purposely downloaded it in an effort to have the most awesomely random 80's pop hits on my Ipod.

It then caused me to find the crazy synth links to this song. I had to stop after an hour for fear that I would get sucked into a vortex of synth-soaked weirdness.

Cameo notice the Levar Burton Cameo (pun intended [not really a pun]), I would have thought it would have conflicted with his Reading Rainbow interests..?
and others too numerous to mention.

So many other crazy one-name groups trapped me in their web of crazy synth, that I decided to pop in my VHS copy of Short Circuit to see if it still held up today..?

And yes, Fisher Stevens' portrayal of an (East) Indian man is still racist.

Mildly amusing, but racist.

The Pathway is Great!

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