Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Awesomery can be subjective

The internet is awesome. If you are reading this material, you clearly have discovered this for yourself.
I recall a conversation that I had with a friend the other day about the riff raff that seem to congregate around the corner of the new city library. I mentioned that I had seen them there on occasion, and that I assumed that they were a collection of homeless youth, with a smattering of schizophrenic transients. But I was educated to the fact that the majority of these individuals were actually members of a subset of people that refer to themselves as “Juggalos”. I know…WTF!?

So in an effort to better understand the world around me I googled "juggalo" and oh sweet Awesomery, what I found was astounding. Apparently there is a an entire subculture of individuals that are in to this practice. please click this ridiculous link....

My favorite part is the highlight of helicopter rides.

1 comment:

Nico said...

Oh fearless guru, I am shocked to learn that you did not know of the magic of the Juggalo. However, has an appreciation for their people been better crystalized than in this delicious informercial? I think not. Thank you for dropping that bread crumb on the path.