Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Awesomery can be subjective

The internet is awesome. If you are reading this material, you clearly have discovered this for yourself.
I recall a conversation that I had with a friend the other day about the riff raff that seem to congregate around the corner of the new city library. I mentioned that I had seen them there on occasion, and that I assumed that they were a collection of homeless youth, with a smattering of schizophrenic transients. But I was educated to the fact that the majority of these individuals were actually members of a subset of people that refer to themselves as “Juggalos”. I know…WTF!?

So in an effort to better understand the world around me I googled "juggalo" and oh sweet Awesomery, what I found was astounding. Apparently there is a an entire subculture of individuals that are in to this practice. please click this ridiculous link....

My favorite part is the highlight of helicopter rides.

Monday, July 20, 2009

There is Awesome all around...

Today after sitting through a mediocre chick flick with my spouse, I found myself freaking out over the fact that I had actually been watching a large, brown recluse-looking spider make laps around the corner above our television.  This seems mundane to some, but I was perplexed by the matter that my wife, who has a crippling and seemingly unfounded fear of spiders had not noticed this occurrence for over 25 minutes!!???  

So after the film (a term used loosely) concluded, I pointed out the arachnid to my wife.  After a yelp and an admonishment for not preemptively terminating the spiders life, I squashed said spider.  I tend to leave the remains as a warning to others that might enter into my wife's line of sight.

I personally do not like killing spiders.  By no means am I a fan of them crawling about my head and neck, but I understand that they serve an important role in eliminating other more obnoxious insects from entering my abode i.e. house flies, earwigs, moths, etc.

A beautiful turn of events occurred later this evening.  After dispatching the third spider of the evening I instantly noticed a common house fly circling above my head.  This contemptuous bastard continued to pester and "bug" me for the next 2 hours.  

Unable to find a swatter.  I began flailing my arms around like mad in an attempt to end the new nuisance. After multiple unsuccessful attempts, and when at my wits end, I shot my hand in the direction of the fly and to my amazement...I had him in my fist.  I felt the fly buzz around the confines of my closed right hand for a moment.  Then I threw the captor against the surface of my desk, the impact killing him.

Although I felt triumphant at accomplishing such a karate kid like maneuver, I felt somewhat indignant that I have to fight the battle(s) of the deceased spiders.    Is the enemy of my enemy my friend..?  I will let you be the judge.

Vaya con Dios, fly.  You were a worthy adversary.  I am off to wash my hands...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program...

Okay. So here it is... I have been inundated with creating a new environment to poop and wash for my family. It is nearly complete. Therefore, i will be able to dedicate more time to the Path. I apologize to those of you that have been waiting with baited breath, but I admonish you for waiting on me instead of going out to seek your own enlightenment.

The Pathway is great...and patience is a virtue.

Kiki rules!
